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David answered fan's questions!


Q:What made you start playing drums?

『I can’t really remember. I was only 2 or 3 years old when I started hitting my mom’s pots and pans with ladles and 6 years old when I started taking lessons. I guess I thought it looked cool, and I was right 』

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Q:I want see Drum solo of David. Can I watch on YouTube or somewhere? (Actually want see on live)

『No solo. I’m not a very big fan of solos of any instrument. If I attend a show I’d rather hear one more song than a drum solo. Unless you have a roller coaster drum kit.』


Photo by Neil A.Lim Sang

Q:It's great to your drumming of latest album "Dominion". Which is your favorite song, and which part?

『Thank you! It’s impossible to choose only one. Some songs I really like just because they are good songs. Like “One against the world”.Some other songs I like because I’m satisfied with my drumming on it.Like “Chain of command”. Of course some songs have both 』
(ありがとう!一つだけ選ぶのは出来ないな。良い曲だから、ほんとに好きな曲がいくつかあるよ。"One Against the World"のようなね。俺のドラムプレイに満足してるから好きって曲もある。"Chain Of Command"のようにね。もちろん両方の要素を持ってるって曲も他にあるんだ。)

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photo by Tess Stephansdotter

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Q:Did you have a surprise on come to Japan last year?

『Japan is always a surprise. I love Japanese culture. I really hope I/we can return as soon as possible.』

Q:What is your best favorite food?

『I like spicy food. Usually if I can choose any restaurant I want I’ll go for Indian or Thai.』

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Q:Do you still like Habanero?

『I really like chilies. Not just Habanero. There’s hundreds of really interesting and tasty chilies out there.』

Q:I'm excited since 13th Friday's Eve. David of Jason Voorhees mania, how about you?

『I’m a huge fan of old school classic horror movies especially the “slasher” subgenre where “Friday the 13:th” belongs. I started collecting Jason Voorhees related items 20 years ago.』

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Q:My morning call is "Hammer High". I wake up is that song that begin with your drumming every morning. Do you have a wakeup call (song)? Also do you wake in a good mood?
私のお目覚めソングはHammer Highです。あなたのドラムが流れ始め毎朝目覚めています。デイビッドもお目覚めソングはありますか?また、寝起きは良い方ですか?

『My morning alarm sound is the sound of water, wind in the trees, birds singing and insects humming. You can’t wake up more relaxed and peaceful then that.』

Q:I am healed by your pics of city view that you visited during tour. Did you have surprise or an accident on your walking of the tour?

『Thanks you! Every time. 99.99% of the times its positive surprises, like finding amazing places that’s not on the map or meeting really nice people. But I’ve also been attacked and brutally abused once. Usually you can read the bad signs and leave an area before it’s too late and leave the area. It’s really not that difficult 』

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Q:I like your Mohawk hairstyle and beard, also I pay attention to that too. I've seen videos that you got your hair cut with hair clippers by Joacim a few times, but had you get a haircut by the other HammerFall member? (I would like to see for your growing beard.)

『Thanks! I like my hairstyle and beard too. Some people don’t like it. I don’t give a fuck  So far only Joacim has cut my hair on a HammerFall tour. He’s the one I trust the most with a hair cutting machine ;-)』

From moon_black

Q:I think you are very curious and you have various knowledge. You often go out to lots of different places all over the world during concert tour. Do you sometimes make songs inspired by those places?
とても好奇心旺盛で知識も豊富だと思います。 コンサートツアーでは、世界中のさまざまな場所に出かけることがよくあります。 時々それらの場所からインスパイアされた曲を作られますか?

『I don’t make songs, but of course some places inspire me in different ways.』

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Q:Do you like reading? What kind of reading do you like?

『I’m not much of a reading person. The last books I’ve read has been biographies.』

photo by Tess Stephansdotter

Q:Tell me your roots of music, please. What your first CD or vinyl that you bought? I'm looking forward listening your interesting stories.
あなたの音楽のルーツを教えて下さい。初めて買ったCD 又はLPは何ですか?あなたの趣味の話を聞くのが楽しみです。

『Before I started to study music I mostly listened to rock and hard rock. Like Bon Jovi, Europe, Bryan Adams, and Kiss, etc. When I started study music I kind of passed thru different stages. I was really hooked on fusion, funk, and instrumental music for a while, then I really hooked on the old school hard rock bands like Deep Purple, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, and Whitesnake. And after that more technical metal like Dream Theater, Symphony X, and Queensryche. Today I listen to all kinds of music. A good song is always a good song, regardless genre. 』
(音楽の勉強を始める前はほとんどロックやハードロックを聴いてたんだ。Bon JoviやEurope, Bryan Adams、そしてKissのようなね。音楽の勉強を始めた時、色んな種類のステージを通過したんだ。一時期はフュージョンやファンク、インストゥルメンタルの曲に本当にハマって、Deep Purple, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, それからWhitesnakeなんかのオールドスクールなバンドにもハマったんだ。その後は、Dream Theater, Symphony XやQueensrycheなんかの更にテクニカルなメタルにもハマったんだ。今日は色んな種類の音楽を聴いてるよ。ジャンルに関係なく、良い曲はいつも良い曲だね。)

From hatako

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Q:When & How did you start to play the drums?

『I started to take lessons when I was 6 or 7 years old.』

Q:How do you create/learn the drum parts of songs?

『I listen, write it down, play what I wrote, listen again, write it down again, play it again, and on and on. Sometimes I loop certain parts and listen to it in my car when drive.』

From Yukari

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Q:How was your show at "METAL WEEKEND2019" in Japan and Japanese audience?
"METAL WEEKEND2019"でのショウや日本のファンはどうでしたか?

『Very good! Surprisingly good I would say 』

Q:What made you join HammerFall?

『I met a friend at a bar late one evening and he told me that he just turned down an offer to play drums in HammerFall. I didn’t even know that Anders quit the band (It was kind of a secret at the moment), so I sent a text message to Pontus (which I known for years) saying: “I WANT THE JOB”. Two days later I had a short meeting with Pontus and Joacim and the next morning I was in the band. Bizarre!』

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Q:When did you feel like "It was good to join HammerFall!"?

『From day one!』

Q:Which is your favorite song of HammerFall?

『It’s impossible to only choose one song. One of my favorite songs to play live is “Hectors Hymn”.』
(一つだけ選ぶのは出来ないな。"Hector's Hymn"はライブで演奏する曲の中で好きな曲の中のひとつだよ。)

Q:Which was the most memorable show you've had before? Also why is it?

『My first show with HammerFall in Moscow was crazy, because it was my first show. The show we did in Taipei was also really memorable. But also Wacken and Dalhalla in 2019.』


Q:What is the best way to play drums well?

『Practice. Play along with songs you like. Don’t be afraid to do stuff in different ways. That’s how you develop your own style.』

Q: How much do you play drums (practice) in a day before the tour?

『First I practice the songs I need to know by my own. Then usually we rehears all together for 2 or 3 days about 6-8 hours a day.』
(まず俺だけで知らないといけない曲を練習する。それから俺達は一緒に通常、2, 3日間、1日に6ー8時間ぐらいリハーサルをするよ。)

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Q:Which series of "Friday the 13th" do you like most?

『The first 3 episodes. And the remake by Marcus Nispel of episode 1-3 that came out in February on Friday the 13th in 2009.』
(始めの3つのエピソードさ。2009年2月13日金曜日に出たMarcus Nispel監督によるリメイク版のエピソード1-3だね。)

Q:Is there something goods of "Friday the 13th" you want?

『I have enough. I’ve been collecting Jason Voorhees related items for almost 20 years 』

photo by Tess Stephansdotter

Q:Which Japanese beer do you like?

『I don’t know so many. I’ve tried Tanrei Gokujyo Nama, Aooni, Mugi to Hop Black, White Belg, Yebisu, Wheat King Wit, Hitachino Nest Real Ginger Ale, Hitachino, Nest Red Rice Ale, The Carpenters Mikan Ale, Kirin Lager, Suntory the Premium Malts, Suntory the Malts Umami, Suntory the Malts Masters Dream, Kirin Light, Grand Kirin, Kirin Tanrei Green Label, Grand Kirin The Aroma, Sapporo, Asahi, and Ichiban. What have I missed?』


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photo by Noora Louhimo

Q:Which appetizer do you like?

『Papadams and a pickle tray』

Q:Which artist do you listen to lately?

『Battle Beast』

Q:Please tell me your memories with Battle Beast.

『Really great guys! We didn’t get to hang enough since we were on different buses, but they are really nice and talented people!』

Q:During the tour, you seem to have muscle pain, but do you get a massage?

『Sometimes, but usually I wait until I get home because a massage can also create more problems sometimes.』


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Q: Do you like things in symmetrical positions?

『Have you noticed? :-D』

Q: Do you try to make it symmetric when you take photos? Also for your drum kit?

『Sometimes. But sometimes also something very asymmetrical can be very interesting to look at too.』

From Yui



And BIG THANKS to David!! 

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